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Ireland - Web content about Wheelchair tennis Paralympics
men's singles, men's doubles, women's singles, and women's doubles.
In the quad division, which includes quad singles and quad doubles, at least three of the athlete's limbs are affected, and genders are mixed.
Gold and bronze medal matches will be played from Wednesday, Sept.
4 through Saturday, Sept.
7, starting at 6 a.
ET and 7:30 a.
Due to the scheduling conflict, the USTA canceled the U.
Open wheelchair events but will allow athletes to be compensated financially.
'As there is no Wheelchair Tournament at the 2024 U.
Open due to the Paralympic Games, the USTA has made the decision to provide the players that would have been entered into the US Open via direct acceptance with a player grant, to ensure that these players are receiving the equivalent of prize money as compensation,' the U.
Open press release said.