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- Selecting visible to 'Recruiters only' may have impacted my chances.
Recruiters in this case are subscribers of the LinkedIn Recruiter service.
Subscribing to this service costs between $170-$270 monthly for the lowest package.
What are the chances that there are more recruiters subscribed to this package in my location?- It can be argued that two weeks isn't sufficient to confirm this hypothesis.
Perhaps a month or longer would have been ideal to gather comprehensive data and observe any meaningful trends.
- Not updating my endorsement and recommendation sections may have limited my profile's attractiveness.
Full optimization of these sections could potentially increase visibility and interest from recruiters.
- Being the only person running this experiment may not provide a comprehensive view of the general perception of the 'Open to Work' tag.
A larger sample size with more people from other industries would be more representative and offer more robust insights.
I’ve been able to establish that the 'Open to Work' tag on LinkedIn remains a contentious feature with divided opinions on its effectiveness.
The mixed reactions from my poll and the feedback I received highlight the nuanced perspectives surrounding this feature.
My observations, however, do not confirm whether the tag encourages any bias.
I could only establish that the tag doesn’t guarantee that a recruiter will reach out.