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Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic - -An information and promotions platform.
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Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic
- iso alpha2: RU
- isoalpha :: RUS
- iso numeric:: 643
- fips code: RS
- Capital: Moscow
- Area: 17100000
- Population: 144478050
- Continement: EU
- TLD: .ru
- Currencty: RUB
- Curreny name: Ruble
- Phone: 7
- postal code format: ######
- Postal code regex: ^(d{6})$
- Language: ru,tt,xal,cau,ady,kv,ce,tyv,cv,udm,tut,mns,bua,myv,mdf,chm,ba,inh,tut,kbd,krc,av,sah,nog
- Neighbours: GE - CN - BY - UA - KZ - LV - PL - EE - LT - FI - MN - NO - AZ - KP -
- Equivalent fips code :