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Cities of Departamento de Chinandega:
Departamento de Chinandega
Departamento de Chinandega-Nicaragua
100,000 inhabitants. Nicaragua is a unitary republic. For administrative purposes it is divided into 15 departments (departamentos) and two self-governing
Departamento de Chinandega-List of museums in Nicaragua
Chinandega Reserva Natural Volcán Mombacho - Granada Museo del Departamento de Malacología UCA - Managua Museo de Ometepe - Rivas Museo Ecológico de Diriamba
Departamento de Chinandega-Departments of Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a unitary republic, divided for administrative purposes into fifteen departments (Spanish: departamentos) and two autonomous regions (Spanish:
Departamento de Chinandega-Elí Altamirano
Torres; José Luis Coraggio (1987). Transición y crisis en Nicaragua. Departamento Ecuménico de Investigaciones. p. 13. ISBN 978-9977-904-43-6. El Nuevo
Departamento de Chinandega-National Guard (Nicaragua)
paramilitary gendarmerie force, titled the Guardia Nacional de Nicaragua (National Guard of Nicaragua). That same year, U.S. forces left the country, but after
Departamento de Chinandega-List of lakes of Nicaragua
Managua Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos de Nicaragua (2002). Superficie de los principales lagos y lagunas, según departamentos (Km2) (PDF).
Departamento de Chinandega-2018 Nicaraguan protests
departments in the north, center, and Pacific areas of Nicaragua. The biggest clashes took place in Chinandega, Granada, León, Managua, Masaya, and Rivas in the
Departamento de Chinandega-Timeline of the 2018 Nicaraguan protests
departments in the north, center, and Pacific areas of Nicaragua. The biggest clashes took place in Chinandega, Granada, León, Managua, Masaya, and Rivas in the
Departamento de Chinandega-Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua
sanitation in Latin America “Memoria de Gestión 2007.” ENACAL, Edición Especial, ENACAL, Departamento de Comunicación, Nicaragua, Nov-Dic 2007 Bank, European
Departamento de Chinandega-Nicaragua
republic. For administrative purposes it is divided into 15 departments (departamentos) and two self-governing regions (autonomous communities) based on the
Departamento de Chinandega-Timeline of the 2018 Nicaraguan protests
Diario". El Nuevo Diario. "CIDH hará visitas a cuatro departamentos y se reunirá con estudiantes y madres de los asesinados en las protestas en Nicaragua". La
Departamento de Chinandega-Elí Altamirano
Altamirano. He studied up to the fourth grade at the Escuela Superior de Varones in Chinandega. In 1956 Altamirano was jailed thrice, during the wave of repression
Departamento de Chinandega-Departments of Nicaragua
divided for administrative purposes into fifteen departments (Spanish: departamentos) and two autonomous regions (Spanish: regiones autónomas). In 1987,
Departamento de Chinandega-2018 Nicaraguan protests
Retrieved 17 May 2018. "CIDH hará visitas a cuatro departamentos y se reunirá con estudiantes y madres de los asesinados en las protestas en Nicaragua". 18
Departamento de Chinandega-List of lakes of Nicaragua
Managua Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos de Nicaragua (2002). Superficie de los principales lagos y lagunas, según departamentos (Km2) (PDF).
Departamento de Chinandega-National Guard (Nicaragua)
in the provincial capitals of Boaco (Boaco), Jinotepe (Carazo), Chinandega (Chinandega), Juigalpa (Chontales), Estelí (Estelí), Granada (Granada), Jinotega
Departamento de Chinandega-Water supply and sanitation in Nicaragua
and sanitation in Latin America “Memoria de Gestión 2007.” ENACAL, Edición Especial, ENACAL, Departamento de Comunicación, Nicaragua, Nov-Dic 2007 Bank