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Estonia - Saare - Saaremaa MunicipalityAn information and promotions platform.
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Communes of Saaremaa Municipality:
- Aaviku küla
- Abruka küla
- Abula küla
- Tõru küla
- Allikalahe küla
- Anepesa küla
- Angla küla
- Anijala küla
- Anseküla
- Ansi küla
- Arandi küla
- Kaarmise küla
- Ardla küla
- Are küla
- Ariste küla
- Arju küla
- Aru küla
- Aruste küla
- Aste alevik
- Aste küla
- Asuka küla
- Asuküla
- Asva küla
- Atla küla
- Audla küla
- Aula-Vintri küla
- Austla küla
- Panga küla
- Rannaküla
- Kasti küla
- Pulli küla
- Tõlluste küla
- Linnuse küla
- Keskranna küla
- Lõupõllu küla
- Külma küla
- Abaja küla
- Kõõru küla
- Koiduvälja küla
- Kalli küla
- Kahtla küla
- Easte küla
- Eeriksaare küla
- Eikla küla
- Eiste küla
- Endla küla
- Ennu küla
- Põlluküla
- Metsapere küla
- Metsalõuka küla
- Metsaküla
- Metsaääre küla
- Karuste küla
- Vahva küla
- Suure-Rootsi küla
- Haamse küla
- Haapsu küla
- Haeska küla
- Hakjala küla
- Hämmelepa küla
- Hänga küla
- Nõmme küla
- Hiievälja küla
- Himmiste küla
- Hindu küla
- Püha küla
- Hübja küla
- Iide küla
- Iilaste küla
- Ilpla küla
- Imara küla
- Imavere küla
- Irase küla
- Iruste küla
- Moosi küla
- Jämaja küla
- Järise küla
- Jauni küla
- Lõu küla
- Jõelepa küla
- Jõempa küla
- Jõgela küla
- Jööri küla
- Jõiste küla
- Jootme küla
- Jursi küla
- Kaali küla
- Kaali-Liiva küla
- Kaarma-Kungla küla
- Kaarma küla
- Kaarma-Jõe küla
- Kaarma-Kirikuküla
- Kaavi küla
- Käesla küla
- Kahutsi küla
- Kailuka küla
- Kaimri küla
- Kaisa küla
- Kaisvere küla
- Käku küla
- Kakuna küla
- Kalju küla
- Kallaste küla
- Kallemäe küla
- Kalma küla
- Kalmu küla
- Kandla küla
- Kangrusselja küla
- Kanissaare küla
- Käo küla
- Kapra küla
- Karala küla
- Kärdu küla
- Kareda küla
- Kargi küla
- Karida küla
- Karja küla
- Kärla-Kulli küla
- Kärla alevik
- Kärla-Kirikuküla
- Kärneri küla
- Karujärve küla
- Kaubi küla
- Kaugatoma küla
- Kaunispe küla
- Kavandi küla
- Kehila küla
- Kellamäe küla
- Keskvere küla
- Kiirassaare küla
- Kuninguste küla
- Kingli küla
- Kipi küla
- Kiratsi küla
- Kiritu küla
- Kiruma küla
- Kogula küla
- Koidula küla
- Koigi-Väljaküla
- Koigi küla
- Kõiguste küla
- Koikla küla
- Koimla küla
- Kõinastu küla
- Koki küla
- Koksi küla
- Kõljala küla
- Koovi küla
- Kopli küla
- Kõriska küla
- Kõrkvere küla
- Kõruse-Metsaküla
- Kõruse küla
- Kotlandi küla
- Kotsma küla
- Kübassaare küla
- Küdema küla
- Kudjape alevik
- Kugalepa küla
- Kuiste küla
- Kuke küla
- Kungla küla
- Kuralase küla
- Kuremetsa küla
- Kuressaare linn
- Kurevere küla
- Kuumi küla
- Kuuse küla
- Kuusiku küla
- Kuusnõmme küla
- Laadjala küla
- Laadla küla
- Läbara küla
- Laevaranna küla
- Laheküla
- Lahetaguse küla
- Laimjala küla
- Järveküla
- Järve küla
- Länga küla
- Laoküla
- Lassi küla
- Lätiniidi küla
- Laugu-Liiva küla
- Laugu küla
- Liigalaskma küla
- Leedri küla
- Leisi alevik
- Leisi küla
- Levala küla
- Liiküla
- Liiva-Putla küla
- Liivanõmme küla
- Liivaranna küla
- Lilbi küla
- Lindmetsa küla
- Linnaka küla
- Lõmala küla
- Loona küla
- Lööne küla
- Lõpi küla
- Lülle küla
- Lümanda-Kulli küla
- Lümanda küla
- Lussu küla
- Luulupe küla
- Maasi küla
- Mäebe küla
- Mäeküla
- Mägi-Kurdla küla
- Maleva küla
- Mändjala küla
- Männiku küla
- Mõisaküla
- Masa küla
- Mätasselja küla
- Mätja küla
- Matsiranna küla
- Meedla küla
- Mehama küla
- Meiuste küla
- Merise küla
- Metsara küla
- Metsküla
- Möldri küla
- Mõntu küla
- Mui küla
- Mujaste küla
- Mullutu küla
- Muraja küla
- Muratsi küla
- Murika küla
- Mustjala küla
- Mustla küla
- Nässuma küla
- Nasva alevik
- Nava küla
- Neemi küla
- Neeme küla
- Nenu küla
- Ööriku küla
- Nihatu küla
- Ninase küla
- Nõmjala küla
- Nõmpa küla
- Kirderanna küla
- Nurme küla
- Odalätsi küla
- Oessaare küla
- Ohessaare küla
- Ohtja küla
- Oitme küla
- Oju küla
- Vanalõve küla
- Vana-Lahetaguse küla
- Orinõmme küla
- Orissaare alevik
- Oti küla
- Väljaküla
- Paaste küla
- Paatsa küla
- Paevere küla
- Pahapilli küla
- Paiküla
- Paimala küla
- Paju-Kurdla küla
- Pajumõisa küla
- Pamma küla
- Pammana küla
- Parasmetsa küla
- Parila küla
- Kihelkonna alevik
- Kihelkonna-Liiva küla
- Pärni küla
- Pärsama küla
- Saia küla
- Rahu küla
- Peederga küla
- Pidula küla
- Pidula-Kuusiku küla
- Pihtla küla
- Piila küla
- Pöide küla
- Pöide-Keskvere küla
- Pöitse küla
- Poka küla
- Põripõllu küla
- Praakli küla
- Puka küla
- Purtsa küla
- Rahniku küla
- Rahtla küla
- Räimaste küla
- Randküla
- Randvere küla
- Ratla küla
- Raugu küla
- Mässa küla
- Kõrkküla
- Reeküla
- Reina küla
- Reo küla
- Vaigu küla
- Vaigu-Rannaküla
- Ridala küla
- Riksu küla
- Jõe küla
- Maantee küla
- Roobaka küla
- Röösa küla
- Ruhve küla
- Sääre küla
- Saareküla
- Saaremetsa küla
- Sagariste küla
- Saikla küla
- Sakla küla
- Salavere küla
- Salme alevik
- Salu küla
- Liiva küla
- Sandla küla
- Sauaru küla
- Saue-Mustla küla
- Saue-Putla küla
- Sauvere küla
- Selgase küla
- Selja küla
- Sepa küla
- Sepise küla
- Siiksaare küla
- Sikassaare küla
- Silla küla
- Õeste küla
- Väike-Rootsi küla
- Soela küla
- Sõmera küla
- Soodevahe küla
- Sõrve-Hindu küla
- Vedruka küla
- Jaani küla
- Püha-Kõnnu küla
- Sundimetsa küla
- Sutu küla
- Suur-Pahila küla
- Suur-Rahula küla
- Suur-Randvere küla
- Suurna küla
- Rootsiküla
- Taaliku küla
- Täätsi küla
- Tagamõisa küla
- Tagaranna küla
- Tagavere küla
- Tahula küla
- Talila küla
- Räägi küla
- Tammese küla
- Tammuna küla
- Tareste küla
- Taritu küla
- Tehumardi küla
- Mõnnuste küla
- Õha küla
- Pahavalla küla
- Rahuste küla
- Tiirimetsa küla
- Tiitsuotsa küla
- Tirbi küla
- Tohku küla
- Tõlli küla
- Tõnija küla
- Toomalõuka küla
- Tõre küla
- Torgu-Mõisaküla
- Tõrise küla
- Tornimäe küla
- Triigi küla
- Tuiu küla
- Tumala küla
- Türju küla
- Tutku küla
- Uduvere küla
- Ula küla
- Ulje küla
- Undimäe küla
- Undva küla
- Unguma küla
- Unimäe küla
- Upa küla
- Üru küla
- Üüdibe küla
- Uuemõisa küla
- Üüvere küla
- Väike-Pahila küla
- Väike-Rahula küla
- Väike-Ula küla
- Väike-Võhma küla
- Vaivere küla
- Väkra küla
- Valjala-Ariste küla
- Valjala-Kogula küla
- Valjala-Nurme küla
- Valjala alevik
- Väljamõisa küla
- Välta küla
- Vanakubja küla
- Vanamõisa küla
- Vantri küla
- Varkja küla
- Varpe küla
- Vatsküla
- Veere küla
- Veeremäe küla
- Veeriku küla
- Vendise küla
- Vennati küla
- Veske küla
- Vestla küla
- Viidu küla
- Viidu-Mäebe küla
- Viira küla
- Viki küla
- Vilidu küla
- Leina küla
- Hirmuste küla
- Vilsandi küla
- Viltina küla
- Vintri küla
- Virita küla
- Võhma küla
- Võrsna küla
- Pähkla küla
- Läägi küla
- Läätsa küla
- Kõnnu küla
- Turja küla
Saaremaa Municipality
Saaremaa Municipality-Mustla (disambiguation)
Parish, Pärnu County Mustla, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Saue-Mustla, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, known as Mustla
Saaremaa Municipality-Maturahu
Maturahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°22′04″N 21°49′51″E / 58.36778°N 21.83083°E / 58.36778; 21.83083
Saaremaa Municipality-Pikknasv
Pikknasv is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°17′57″N 22°55′07″E / 58.29917°N 22.91861°E / 58.29917; 22.91861
Saaremaa Municipality-Kuusiku (disambiguation)
in Rapla Parish, Rapla County Kuusiku, Hiiu County, village in Hiiumaa Parish, Hiiu County Kuusiku, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County
Saaremaa Municipality-Upa
Upa, Azerbaijan, a village in Khizi Rayon Upa, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Upa (river), a river in Russia Úpa, a river
Saaremaa Municipality-Uus-Nootamaa
Uus-Nootamaa is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. It is part of Vilsandi National Park. List of islands of Estonia "Vilsandi National Park"
Saaremaa Municipality-Jaan Õunapuu
Jaan Õunapuu (born 13 September 1958 in Mustjala) is an Estonian politician. From 1993 until 2003, he was the governor Tartu County. In 2003, he became
Saaremaa Municipality-Umalakotid
Umalakotid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. It is part of Vilsandi National Park. List of islands of Estonia "Vilsandi National Park"
Saaremaa Municipality-Aste Airfield
located near the town of Aste, 12 km (7.5 mi) north of Kuressaare. It is on Saaremaa Island, and was listed on the 1974 Department of Defense Global Navigation
Saaremaa Municipality-Rudolf Kallas
Rudolf Gottfried Kallas (22 May 1851 – 22 April 1913) was an Estonian clergyman and pedagog. 1871-1875 he was a primary school pedagog in Tartu. In 1883
Saaremaa Municipality-Rusulaid
Rusulaid is an Estonian island in the Baltic Sea. This island is referenced a book titled Islands of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia v t e 58°26′28″N
Saaremaa Municipality-Kunnatilaid
Kunnatilaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia "X-GIS(4) Portal". Retrieved 23 July 2021. 58°22′01″N
Saaremaa Municipality-Ojurahu
Ojurahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia "Saare andmete kuvamine". EELIS Infoleht (in Estonian). Retrieved
Saaremaa Municipality-Võhma (disambiguation)
Rakvere Parish, village in Rakvere Parish, Lääne-Viru County Võhma, Pärnu County, village in Lääneranna Parish, Pärnu County Võhma, Saaremaa Parish, village
Saaremaa Municipality-Kiipsaare Lighthouse
Lighthouse is located on the tip of the Harilaid peninsula on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia, in the territory of Vilsandi National Park. The lighthouse was
Saaremaa Municipality-Ariste
Ariste, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Valjala-Ariste (formerly known as Ariste), village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare
Saaremaa Municipality-Andres Lauk
Andres Lauk (born 16 October 1964) is an Estonian cyclist. He competed in the men's individual road race at the 1996 Summer Olympics. Evans, Hilary; Gjerde
Saaremaa Municipality-Liiva
Saare County Liiva, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Liiva, Võru County, village in Sõmerpalu Parish, Võru County Places formerly
Saaremaa Municipality-Kriimi laid
Kriimi laid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°08′23″N 22°08′56″E / 58.1397°N 22.1489°E / 58.1397; 22.1489
Saaremaa Municipality-Puningalaid
Puningalaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°19′31″N 22°56′44″E / 58.32528°N 22.94556°E / 58.32528; 22
Saaremaa Municipality-Elju Kubi
Elju Kubi (until 1975 Gunjakova; born 25 March 1951) is an Estonian athletics competitor. She was born in Laimjala, Saare County. She started sporting
Saaremaa Municipality-Suuregi laid
Suuregi laid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°25′57″N 23°16′16″E / 58.4325°N 23.2711°E / 58.4325; 23
Saaremaa Municipality-Juksirahu
Juksirahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°20′56″N 21°52′28″E / 58.3489°N 21.8744°E / 58.3489; 21.8744
Saaremaa Municipality-Põiksäär
Põiksäär is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°26′30″N 23°16′49″E / 58.4417°N 23.2803°E / 58.4417; 23.2803
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Kaal
Aleksander Kaal (also Sander Kaal; 25 March 1876 Pöide Parish, Kreis Ösel – 5 December 1941 Irkutsk, Russia) was an Estonian politician. He was a member
Saaremaa Municipality-Administrative divisions of Estonia
County Saaremaa Parish Muhu Parish Ruhnu Parish Tartu County Elva Parish Kambja Parish Kastre Parish Luunja Parish Nõo Parish Peipsiääre Parish Tartu (urban
Saaremaa Municipality-Arthur von Buxhoevden
World War I, being an officer for Czarist Russia. In 1918, he entered Saaremaa Defence Forces (Estonian: Saarte Kaitseliit). He participated on Estonian
Saaremaa Municipality-Johannes Aavik
linguist and innovator of the Estonian language. Aavik was born in Randvere, Saaremaa, Estonia (then Russian Empire). He studied history at the University of
Saaremaa Municipality-List of ports and harbours in Estonia
brackets) Sea area Manager Ferry service destination(s) Abruka Abruka, Saaremaa Parish (Abruka) Gulf of Riga AS Saarte Liinid Roomassaare Aegna* Kesklinn
Saaremaa Municipality-Männiku
Männiku, Rapla County, a village in Märjamaa Parish, Rapla County Männiku, Saare County, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Männik, Estonian surname
Saaremaa Municipality-Põlluküla, Lääne-Saare Parish
Põlluküla was a village in Lääne-Saare Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. During the administrative reform in 2017, the village was unified (along
Saaremaa Municipality-Vahelmisrahu
Vahelmisrahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°18′20″N 22°57′37″E / 58.30556°N 22.96028°E / 58.30556;
Saaremaa Municipality-Nabralaid
Nabralaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°25′59″N 23°10′00″E / 58.4331°N 23.1667°E / 58.4331; 23.1667
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Velvelt
Aleksander Velvelt (3 February 1897 in Pihtla Parish, Kreis Ösel – 14 February 1967 in Kohtla-Järve) was an Estonian politician. He was a member of Estonian
Saaremaa Municipality-Liisi (island)
Liisi is an island belonging to the country of Estonia, located in the Baltic Sea as part of the West Estonian Archipelago List of islands of Estonia 58°32′28″N
Saaremaa Municipality-Pakulaid
Pakulaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°38′N 22°33′E / 58.633°N 22.550°E / 58.633; 22.550 v t e
Saaremaa Municipality-Naistekivi maa
Naistekivi maa is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia Puhk, Heino (1996). Eesti 1940: Estonia Estonorum : ajalooline
Saaremaa Municipality-Allirahu
Allirahu is an islet located in the Baltic Sea, west off the Estonian coast. Its coordinates are 58°17′57.87″N 22°58′11.01″E / 58.2994083°N 22.9697250°E
Saaremaa Municipality-Karl-Richard Idlane
Karl-Richard Idlane was an Estonian professional footballer who played as a midfielder for the Estonian national football team. "Karl-Richard Idlane".
Saaremaa Municipality-Orissaare Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Small borough Orissaare Villages Ariste -
Saaremaa Municipality-Kõinastu
Estonia. Administratively it forms Kõinastu village which is part of Saaremaa Parish, Saare County. Kõinastu has a population of 4 (as of 1 January 2011[update])
Saaremaa Municipality-Saare
Saare County (also known as Saaremaa), one of 15 counties of Estonia Saaremaa Parish, municipality in Saare County Saare Parish, former municipality in Jõgeva
Saaremaa Municipality-Oti
village in Jõgeva Parish, Estonia Oti, Saare County, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Estonia Oti, Viljandi County, a village in Mulgi Parish, Estonia Oti Prefecture
Saaremaa Municipality-Rooglaid
Rooglaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°26′58″N 23°16′22″E / 58.4494°N 23.2728°E / 58.4494; 23.2728
Saaremaa Municipality-Viktor Kingissepp
of Yamburg Kingisepp in his honour. The Estonian town of Kuressaare on Saaremaa island was also renamed Kingissepp to honour him. Many Estonian towns had
Saaremaa Municipality-Mõisaküla (disambiguation)
Põhja-Pärnumaa Parish, village in Põhja-Pärnumaa Parish, Pärnu County Mõisaküla, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Mõisaküla, Muhu Parish, village
Saaremaa Municipality-Riinurahu
Riinurahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°22′16″N 21°55′07″E / 58.37111°N 21.91861°E / 58.37111; 21
Saaremaa Municipality-Reina
province of Badajoz, Extremadura, Spain Reina, Estonia, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia La Reina, a commune of Chile La Reina, Chalatenango
Saaremaa Municipality-Abruka Nature Reserve
Abruka Nature Reserve is a nature reserve which is located in Saare County, Estonia. It covers the islands of Abruka, Kasselaid and Linnusitamaa. The area
Saaremaa Municipality-Mihklirahu
Mihklirahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°21′08″N 21°52′18″E / 58.3522°N 21.8717°E / 58.3522; 21.8717
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Jõeäär
Aleksander Jõeäär (31 October 1890 in Laimjala, Kreis Ösel – 20 May 1959 in Tallinn) was an Estonian politician and lawyer. He was a member of the I, II
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Rei
Aleksander Rei (24 January 1900 Uuemõisa Parish, Saare County – 6 November 1943 Usollag, Perm Oblast) was an Estonian politician. He was a member of the
Saaremaa Municipality-Käkimaa
Käkimaa (or Kalarahu) is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°22′N 21°56′E / 58.367°N 21.933°E / 58.367; 21
Saaremaa Municipality-Sokulaid
Sokulaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°20′08″N 21°52′03″E / 58.3356°N 21.8675°E / 58.3356; 21.8675
Saaremaa Municipality-Loona, Estonia
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Kihelkonna Parish. An estate
Saaremaa Municipality-Kullikare
Kullilaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia v t e 58°24′09″N 23°05′39″E / 58.4025°N 23.0942°E / 58.4025;
Saaremaa Municipality-Antsulaiud
Antsulaiud is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°20′44″N 21°59′21″E / 58.3456°N 21.9892°E / 58.3456; 21.9892
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksei Müürisepp
Aleksei Müürisepp (17 July 1902, Välta, Kreis Ösel, Governorate of Livonia – 7 October 1970, Tartu) was a Soviet Estonian politician. 1961–1970, he was
Saaremaa Municipality-Põdvalaid
Põdvalaid is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°18′43″N 22°56′32″E / 58.31194°N 22.94222°E / 58.31194; 22
Saaremaa Municipality-Nasva (stream)
The Nasva is river in Estonia in Saare County. The river is 3 kilometres long. It runs from Mullutu-Suurlaht into Suur Katel in the Baltic Sea. The river
Saaremaa Municipality-Kaarma-Jõe
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Lääne-Saare Parish. "2016.-2017
Saaremaa Municipality-List of airports in Estonia
02306°N 23.57833°E / 59.02306; 23.57833 (Lyckholm Airfield) Nässuma (Saaremaa Parish) Nässuma Airfield grass private 58°17′01″N 022°49′04″E / 58.28361°N
Saaremaa Municipality-ANSI (disambiguation)
the Goguryeo in modern Anshan city, China Ansi, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Al-Ansi, Arab tribe Aswad Ansi, Arab false prophet
Saaremaa Municipality-Arnold Rüütel
on 20 August 1991. Rüütel was born in Pahavalla village in Laimjala Parish, Saaremaa, Estonia. His parents were Feodor Rüütel (1900−1965) and Juulia Rüütel
Saaremaa Municipality-Saaremaa Parish
Saaremaa Municipality, also known as Saaremaa Rural Municipality (Estonian: Saaremaa vald), is a municipality in Saare County in western Estonia. It is
Saaremaa Municipality-Abruka
resulting in a total area of 10.1 km2 (3.9 sq mi). Abruka is part of Saaremaa Parish, Saare County. The village has a population of 33 (as of 1 January
Saaremaa Municipality-Salme ships
discovered in 2008 and 2010 near the village of Salme on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. Both ships were used for ship burials here around AD 700–750
Saaremaa Municipality-Randvere, Saaremaa Parish
Randvere is a village in the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Administratively it is part of Saaremaa Parish in Saare County Before the administrative reform
Saaremaa Municipality-List of protected areas of Estonia
Environmental Registry (in Estonian) Larger areas may extend into the neighboring parishes and counties "Nature Conservation Act". Riigikogu. Retrieved 22 April 2014
Saaremaa Municipality-Ott Tänak
and came 2nd in the rest, all behind Georg Gross. At the season finale, Saaremaa Rally, Tänak led the event at the penultimate stage by just 4.4 seconds
Saaremaa Municipality-Võhma, Saaremaa Parish
Võhma is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia. It is located on the northern coast of Saaremaa, the largest island in Estonia. The village
Saaremaa Municipality-Saare County
rural municipalities (Estonian: vallad – parishes) in Saare County. The largest islands of the county are Saaremaa, Muhu, Ruhnu, Abruka and Vilsandi. Arable
Saaremaa Municipality-Jüri Tuulik
Jüri Tuulik (22 February 1940 Abruka island, Saare County – 3 June 2014 Kuressaare) was an Estonian writer and playwright. In 1963, he graduated from Tartu
Saaremaa Municipality-Saaremaa
Saaremaa (/ˈsɑːrəmɑː/ SAR-ə-mah, Estonian: [ˈsɑːremɑː]) (lit. island land) (also called Ösel [ˈøːsel] ) is the largest and most populous island in Estonia
Saaremaa Municipality-Aru
Aru, Harju County, village in Kuusalu Parish, Harju County, Estonia Aru, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Aru, Kohgiluyeh
Saaremaa Municipality-Kõnnu, Saaremaa Parish
Kõnnu is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia, on the island of Saaremaa. In 2011, the settlement's population was 41. "Population by place
Saaremaa Municipality-Melanie Rauk
Melanie Rauk (July 25, 1905 – January 25, 1978) was an Estonian teacher and translator. Melanie Rauk's father, Ivan (Juhan, Johan) Rauk (1880–?), was a
Saaremaa Municipality-Kallaste, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Kihelkonna Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Panga cliff
the northern shore of Saaremaa, at the end of the Kuressaare - Võhma road, close to Panga village. It is the highest of the Saaremaa and Muhu cliffs, reaching
Saaremaa Municipality-List of botanical gardens in Estonia
Village, Saaremaa Parish Mihkel Rand's dendrarium in Neemi village, Saaremaa Parish Juhan Alas' dendrarium in Kuiste village, Saaremaa Parish Audru Arboretum
Saaremaa Municipality-Linnuse, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Leisi Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Viira, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Leisi Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Dorothea Kreß
Dorothea Kreß (26 August 1924 – 25 October 2018) was a German athlete. She competed in the women's shot put at the 1952 Summer Olympics. Dorothea Kreß
Saaremaa Municipality-Nõmme, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Leisi Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Maasilinna Castle
located in Maasi village in Orissaare Parish, Saare County, Estonia. It served as the centre of Eastern Saaremaa and Muhu in Medieval times. It was established
Saaremaa Municipality-Metsaküla, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pihtla Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Hugo Wittrock
Hugo Wittrock (7 July 1873 – 25 August 1958) was a Baltic German merchant and political figure who served as Lord Mayor of Riga during the German occupation
Saaremaa Municipality-Põlluküla, Saaremaa Parish
Põlluküla is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia, on the island of Saaremaa. As of the 2011 census, the settlement's population was 21
Saaremaa Municipality-Indrek Kajupank
Indrek Kajupank (born 15 May 1988) is an Estonian professional basketball player for BC Tallinna Kalev of the Latvian-Estonian Basketball League. He is
Saaremaa Municipality-Keskvere, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Lääne-Saare Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Ants Kaljurand
Bay on the island of Saaremaa. He graduated from Pidula Primary School. In 1935, he went to Koonga Parish (now Lääneranna Parish) in Pärnu County to work
Saaremaa Municipality-Pöide Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Ardla - Are - Iruste - Kahutsi - Kakuna -
Saaremaa Municipality-Liiva, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Orissaare Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Veere, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pöide Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Vilsandi
The island of Vilsandi in Saaremaa Parish of Estonia's Saare County is located in the Baltic Sea. It covers an area of some 9 square km and is the westernmost
Saaremaa Municipality-Kaali crater
nine meteorite craters in the village of Kaali on the Estonian island of Saaremaa. Most recent estimates put its formation shortly after 1530–1450 BC (3237+/-10
Saaremaa Municipality-Orest Kärm
Orest Kärm (13 May 1902 in Pärsama, Kreis Ösel, Governorate of Livonia – 1942 or August 1944) was a Soviet Estonian politician. Kärm was educated as an
Saaremaa Municipality-Rannaküla, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pihtla Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Asuka
(飛鳥山公園), a park in Kita, Tokyo, Japan Asuka, Estonia, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Asuka Station (Antarctica) MS Asuka (now MS
Saaremaa Municipality-Hindu, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Orissaare Parish. Classification
Saaremaa Municipality-Anseküla Lighthouse
Anseküla, on the eastern side of the Sõrve Peninsula, on the island of Saaremaa, in Estonia. The original light was on a church, which was destroyed during
Saaremaa Municipality-Kirill Ulk
Kirill Ulk (1886 Pärsamaa Parish (now Saaremaa Parish), Kreis Ösel – ?) was an Estonian politician. He was a member of II Riigikogu. He was a member of
Saaremaa Municipality-Ilpla
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was part of Pihtla Parish. Classification
Saaremaa Municipality-Joann Koort
merchant and politician. Koort was born in 1871 in Leisi, a village in Saaremaa. Koort was elected to the Estonian Provincial Assembly, which governed
Saaremaa Municipality-Keskvere
Lääne-Nigula Parish, Lääne County Keskvere, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Pöide-Keskvere, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Antson
field athlete. Aleksander Antson was born in Võrsna, on the island of Saaremaa. He trained as a school teacher for Estonian and Sport. Antson worked from
Saaremaa Municipality-Valjala Stronghold
Waldia, Estonian: Valjala Maalinn) was a major ringfort on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia. Established in the 12th century, at the time it was the most
Saaremaa Municipality-Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen
its naval expeditions. Bellingshausen was born in the Estonian island of Saaremaa (Ösel), in the eponymous family. He started his service in the Russian
Saaremaa Municipality-SEPA
village in Tartu Parish, Tartu County, Estonia Sepa, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Sepa, Pihtla Parish, former village
Saaremaa Municipality-Aastejärv
Aastejärv (or Aastajärv) is a lake in Estonia. List of lakes in Estonia v t e
Saaremaa Municipality-Nurme, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Leisi Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Vaika islands
Vaika islands is a group of islands belonging to the country of Estonia. They lie next to Vilsandi. The Vaika islands are referenced in a book titled Islands
Saaremaa Municipality-Kungla, Saaremaa Parish
Kungla is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia. it is located on the southern coast of Saaremaa island by the Gulf of Riga. As of the 2011
Saaremaa Municipality-Municipalities of Estonia
Pihtla Parish, Valjala Parish, Orissaare Parish, Pöide Parish and Laimjala Parish formed Saaremaa Parish Tartu town and Tähtvere Parish formed Tartu (urban
Saaremaa Municipality-Mustla, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Laimjala Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Albert Uustulnd
Albert Uustulnd (6 November 1925 in Suure-Rootsi – 9 August 1997 Kuressaare) was an Estonian writer and playwright. In 1954, he graduated from Tallinn
Saaremaa Municipality-Ariste, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Orissaare Parish. Classification
Saaremaa Municipality-Maasi
Maasi is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, on the eastern part of Saaremaa Island, Estonia. It is located just northwest from Orissaare, the
Saaremaa Municipality-Mõisaküla, Saaremaa Parish
Mõisaküla is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, on the western part of Saaremaa Island, Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the
Saaremaa Municipality-Valta
midfielder Hermann von Valta, a German bobsledder Välta, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia Valtat Walta (disambiguation) This
Saaremaa Municipality-Ula, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pöide Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Undu Bay
Undu bay is a bay in Estonia. It in the northern Gulf of Riga and is highly isolated. It is characterized by having muddy deposits, dense bottom vegetation
Saaremaa Municipality-Kaali
refer to: Kali or Kaali, Hindu goddess Kaali, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Kaali crater, group of meteorite craters in
Saaremaa Municipality-Miina Kallas
Miina Kallas (born 7 July 1989) is an Estonian football player who plays as a forward for Naiste Meistriliiga club Flora Tallinn. She has made a total
Saaremaa Municipality-Vanamõisa, Saaremaa Parish
a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pihtla Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Laheküla
Hiiumaa Parish, Hiiu County Laheküla, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Laheküla, Muhu Parish, village in Muhu Parish, Saare County
Saaremaa Municipality-Sepa, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Lääne-Saare Parish. "Lisa. Asustusüksuste
Saaremaa Municipality-Ülo Tuulik
Ülo Tuulik (born 22 February 1940, in Abruka Island, Saare County) is an Estonian writer. In 1963, he graduated from Tartu State University in philology
Saaremaa Municipality-Väljaküla, Saaremaa Parish
Väljaküla is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia, on the island of Saaremaa. As of the 2011 census, the settlement's population was 23
Saaremaa Municipality-Metsaküla
Pärnu County Metsaküla, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Metsaküla, Viljandi County, village in Mulgi Parish, Viljandi County Kõruse-Metsaküla
Saaremaa Municipality-Torgu Parish
Torgu Parish was a rural municipality at the tip of the Sõrve Peninsula on the island of Saaremaa in western Estonia. It is a part of Saare County. This
Saaremaa Municipality-Lääne-Saare Parish
on the western part of Saaremaa island. The municipality has a population of ca 7,200 and an area of 807 km2. Lääne-Saare Parish was established by merging
Saaremaa Municipality-Joe
Joe, North Carolina, United States, an unincorporated community Jõe, Saaremaa Parish, Estonia, a village Kaarma-Jõe, Estonia, a village Joe Island (Victoria)
Saaremaa Municipality-Henno Käo
Henno Käo (10 January 1942 – 2 July 2004) was an Estonian children's writer, book illustrator, poet, and musician. He was born in the village of Allikalahe
Saaremaa Municipality-Jõe, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Laimjala Parish. Classification
Saaremaa Municipality-Endel Eero
Endel Eero (21 November 1930 in Valjala – 7 September 2006) is an Estonian politician. He was a member of the VII and VIII Riigikogu. Toomla, Jaan (1999)
Saaremaa Municipality-Saaremaa (disambiguation)
of Saaremaa island and neighbouring islands Saaremaa Parish (Saaremaa vald), one of the 3 municipalities of Saare County, covering the whole Saaremaa island
Saaremaa Municipality-Langa
village in Lääne-Harju Parish, Harju County, Estonia Langa, a small river near Riga, Latvia Länga, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia
Saaremaa Municipality-Ula
Ula, Saaremaa Parish, a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia Väike-Ula (formerly called Ula), a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare
Saaremaa Municipality-Leisi Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Small borough Leisi Villages Angla - Aru
Saaremaa Municipality-Kogula, Saaremaa Parish
village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Lääne-Saare Parish. Mullutu Bay
Saaremaa Municipality-Salme Parish
Salme Parish was a municipality in Saare County, Estonia. It contained the northern half of the Sõrve Peninsula of the island of Saaremaa. Besides the
Saaremaa Municipality-Laheküla, Saaremaa Parish
Laheküla is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Suurlaht, the eastern part of Estonian fourth largest lake Mullutu-Suurlaht
Saaremaa Municipality-Laine Tarvis
Laine Tarvis (née Laine Aaslaid; born 26 September 1937 in Sääre) is an Estonian politician. She was a member of IX Riigikogu. She has been a member of
Saaremaa Municipality-Ansi, Estonia
in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, on the island of Saaremaa, Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Lääne-Saare Parish. Classification
Saaremaa Municipality-Laimjala Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Aaviku - Asva - Audla - Jõe - Kahtla - Käo
Saaremaa Municipality-Mustjala Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Jauni - Järise - Kiruma - Kugalepa - Küdema
Saaremaa Municipality-Rannasitik
Rannasitik is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°21′08″N 21°59′08″E / 58.35222°N 21.98556°E / 58.35222; 21
Saaremaa Municipality-Jakob Puss
Jakob Puss (born 14 October 1894 Kihelkonna, Saare County) was an Estonian politician. He was a member of Estonian Constituent Assembly. He was a member
Saaremaa Municipality-Pöide Church
Mary's Church (Estonian: Pöide Maarja kirik) is located on Saaremaa island, in Pöide, Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia. The current Pöide Church building
Saaremaa Municipality-Kalma
Kalma, Sudan, relocation camp in Sudan Kalma, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Six Kalimas, phrases articulating Muslim belief
Saaremaa Municipality-Telve (island)
Telve is an island in the Baltic Sea belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°21′42″N 21°57′50″E / 58.3617°N 21.9639°E / 58
Saaremaa Municipality-Laidu
Laidu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°31′16″N 22°16′46″E / 58.5211°N 22.2794°E / 58.5211; 22.2794 v
Saaremaa Municipality-Salme Poopuu
director. Salme Poopuu was born in the village of Rahtla on the island of Saaremaa to Aleksander Theodor Poopuu and Triinu Poopuu (née Tamm). She was one
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Kärner
Aleksander Kärner (8 February 1880 Maasi Parish (now Saaremaa Parish), Kreis Ösel – 9 March 1942 Perm Oblast, Russian SFSR) was an Estonian politician
Saaremaa Municipality-Metsküla
Rapla County Metsküla, Rapla Parish, village in Rapla Parish, Rapla County Metsküla, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Metsküla, Viljandi
Saaremaa Municipality-Roland Kütt
footballer who last played as a goalkeeper for Kuressaare. Kütt is a native of Saaremaa, Estonia and started playing football at a young age. Kütt started his
Saaremaa Municipality-Valjala Parish
island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Valjala Parish was situated between Laimjala Parish (east), Pihtla Parish (west)
Saaremaa Municipality-Extreme points of Estonia
(Nootamaa (West))) Inhabited island: Vilsandi island, Vilsandi village, Saaremaa Parish, Saare County (58°23′07″N 21°38′31″E / 58.38528°N 21.64194°E / 58
Saaremaa Municipality-Ain Anger
Estonian opera bass. Born in Kihelkonna, Anger grew up on the Estonian island Saaremaa. He commenced his vocal training at Tallinn's Academy of Music in 1996
Saaremaa Municipality-Leisi village
in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. Before the administrative reform in 2017, the village was in Pöide Parish. "Leisi (Saaremaa, Saare
Saaremaa Municipality-Kõnnu
in Räpina Parish, Põlva County Kõnnu, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Kõnnu, Tartu County, village in Kastre Parish, Tartu County
Saaremaa Municipality-List of countries by westernmost point
Nootamaa island, Atla village, Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Mainland: Cape Ramsi, Einbi/Enby village, Lääne-Nigula Parish, Lääne County 21°45′51″E 23°24′15″E
Saaremaa Municipality-Viira, Lääne-Saare Parish
Viira was a village in Lääne-Saare Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. During the administrative reform in 2017, the village was unified (along with
Saaremaa Municipality-Mäebe, Saare County
Mäebe is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. "Statistics". Pub.Stat.EE. Retrieved 25 September 2015. Classification of Estonian
Saaremaa Municipality-Muhu
Estonia, after Saaremaa and Hiiumaa. Together with neighbouring smaller islands of Kesselaid, Viirelaid, Võilaid and Suurlaid it forms Muhu Parish (Estonian:
Saaremaa Municipality-Orissaare
Orissaare is a small borough in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County in western Estonia on the island of Saaremaa. Orissaare TV Mast (180 m) is located in Orissaare
Saaremaa Municipality-Tõlli
Pärnu County Tõlli, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Tolli, village in Märjamaa Parish, Rapla County This disambiguation page lists
Saaremaa Municipality-Kogula
Estonia: Kogula, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County (formerly in Kärla Parish) Valjala-Kogula, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Kaar
Aleksander Kaar (6 May 1892 Lümanda Parish (now Saaremaa Parish), Kreis Ösel – 5 April 1943 Tavda, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russian SFSR) was an Estonian politician
Saaremaa Municipality-Jaan Usin
1887 – 19 August 1941) was an Estonian Navy commander. Born in Kihelkonna Parish, Saare County, he later served during World War I in the Imperial Russian
Saaremaa Municipality-Rannaküla
Lääneranna Parish, Pärnu County Rannaküla, Muhu Parish, village in Muhu Parish, Saare County Rannaküla, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare
Saaremaa Municipality-Kaisa
Finnish and Estonian feminine given name Kaisa, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Kaisa (billiards), a cue sport mostly played
Saaremaa Municipality-Johannes Hint
Rudolph Hint was born in Kuusnõmme, a small fishing village in the west of Saaremaa island, Estonia, on 20 September 1914. His father, Alexander Hint, was
Saaremaa Municipality-List of peninsulas of Estonia
Name Location (county, parish) Further info Image Coordinates Harilaid Saare County, Saaremaa Parish 58°29′N 21°51′E / 58.483°N 21.850°E / 58.483;
Saaremaa Municipality-List of lakes of Estonia
Aardla Lake Aastejärv 10.6 1m Saaremaa, Saare 58°30′21″ N. sh. 21°55′48″ E. d. Adriska 4.1 1182 km Saare County, Saaremaa Parish Aeli Lake 9.9 Agali Lake Agusalu
Saaremaa Municipality-Väinatamm
located between Saaremaa and the mainland, with Saaremaa. Construction of the causeway cut the sea crossing between the continent and Saaremaa by about half
Saaremaa Municipality-Otto Pukk
Otto Pukk (29 November 1900 Loona, Saare County – 14 February 1951 Stockholm) was an Estonian politician and lawyer. He was a member of the Estonian National
Saaremaa Municipality-Vilsandi National Park
Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia. It includes part of the island of Vilsandi, a number of smaller islands, adjacent parts of western Saaremaa including
Saaremaa Municipality-Kaljo Ellik
Kaljo Ellik (9 May 1948, Siiksaare – 27 March 2017) was an Estonian politician who voted for the Estonian restoration of Independence. Ellik graduated
Saaremaa Municipality-Nurme
in Märjamaa Parish, Rapla County Nurme, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Nurme, Tori Parish, village in Tori Parish, Pärnu County
Saaremaa Municipality-Kurgurahu
Kurgurahu is an island belonging to the country of Estonia.. List of islands of Estonia 58°20′18″N 21°55′45″E / 58.3383°N 21.9292°E / 58.3383; 21.9292
Saaremaa Municipality-John Christian Bechler
John Christian Bechler (7 January 1784 Oesel, Governorate of Livonia (present-day Estonia) – 18 April 1857 Herrnhut, Saxony (present-day Germany)) was
Saaremaa Municipality-Suurepoldi
Suurepoldi is an island belonging to the country of Estonia. List of islands of Estonia 58°26′45″N 23°15′01″E / 58.4457°N 23.2503°E / 58.4457; 23.2503
Saaremaa Municipality-Gustav Ränk
Stockholm University. Gustav Ränk was born on a farm in Nõmme on the island of Saaremaa on 18 February 1902. Earning his doctorate from the University of Tartu
Saaremaa Municipality-Kellamäe
Väike-Maarja Parish, Lääne-Viru County Kellamäe, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Kellämäe, village in Rõuge Parish, Võru County
Saaremaa Municipality-Nomme
Lääneranna Parish, Pärnu County Nõmme, Rapla County, village in Rapla Parish, Rapla County Nõmme, Saaremaa Parish, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County
Saaremaa Municipality-Peeter Süda
Peeter Süda Born (1883-01-30)30 January 1883 Viki, Kihelkonna Parish , Estonia Died 3 August 1920(1920-08-03) (aged 37) Tallinn, Estonia Occupation(s)
Saaremaa Municipality-List of springs of Estonia
Saare County, Saaremaa Parish Roosna-Alliku allikad Roosna-Alliku Springs Salajõe allikad Salajõe springs Lääne County, Lääne-Nigula Parish Tuhala nõiakaev
Saaremaa Municipality-List of windmills in Estonia
Adavere Põltsamaa Parish Jõgeva County 18th century Andja Rakvere Parish Lääne-Viru County Andja manor windmill 1804 Angla Saaremaa Parish Saare County Vilidu
Saaremaa Municipality-Johannes Perens
Johannes Perens (26 September 1906 Kaavi, Torgu Parish (now Saaremaa Parish), Kreis Ösel – 25 December 1941 Ussolye prison camp, Perm Oblast) was an Estonian
Saaremaa Municipality-Sõrve-Hindu
Sõrve-Hindu (Hindu until 2017) is a village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia, on the island of Saaremaa. As of the 2011 census, the settlement's population
Saaremaa Municipality-Järveküla
in Rae Parish, Harju County Järveküla, Saare County, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County Järveküla, Tartu County, village in Elva Parish, Tartu County
Saaremaa Municipality-Pihtla Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Eiste - Ennu - Haeska - Hämmelepa - Iilaste
Saaremaa Municipality-Aleksander Laak
Aleksander Laak Born (1907-08-24)24 August 1907 Pöide Parish, Kreis Ösel, Governorate of Livonia Died 6 September 1960(1960-09-06) (aged 53) Winnipeg,
Saaremaa Municipality-Tamsalu, Saare County
Tamsalu was a village in Lääne-Saare Parish, Saare County in western Estonia. During the administrative reform in 2017, the village was unified (along
Saaremaa Municipality-Kihelkonna Parish
2017, all 12 municipalities on the island Saaremaa were merged into a single municipality – Saaremaa Parish. Small borough Kihelkonna Villages Abaja -
Saaremaa Municipality-Mihkel Neps
Mihkel Neps (19 September 1890 Lümanda Parish (now Saaremaa Parish), Kreis Ösel – 21 March 1937 Kuressaare, Saare County) was an Estonian politician.
Saaremaa Municipality-Masa (disambiguation)
ethnic group localized in Cameroon and Chad Masa, Estonia, village in Saaremaa Parish, Saare County, Estonia Masa's Wine Bar & Kitchen, Michelin-rated restaurant