आप इस पृष्ठ के विषय से संबंधित एक लेख प्रकाशित करने की संभावना है, और / या इस क्षेत्र के लिए:
युगांडा - Western Region -एक सूचना और प्रचार प्लेटफ़ॉर्म.
मुक्त करने के लिए अपनी वेबसाइट के साथ सामग्री लिंक.
के शहरों Western Region:
Western Region
Western Region-गोप मन्दिर
in Western India, 2nd Century BCE–8th Century CE. Routledge. पपृ॰ 108–109. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 978-1-317-19374-6.; Quote: "The earliest image in the region can
Western Region-कामरुपी भाषा
activities in early times was in western Assam; and the writers were patronized by the kings and local potentates of that region. In the later period, however
Western Region-पामीर पर्वतमाला
known as the Onion Mountains when Marco Polo traversed the region ... Middle East, western Asia, and northern Africa Archived 2014-09-11 at the वेबैक
Western Region-कोच्चि
archive.today Kerala best Destination "Indian Coast Guard. Regions. Western Region". Indiancoastguard.nic.in. मूल से 4 जून 2013 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि
Western Region-सोनकुत्ता
(2015). "Records of the dhole (Cuon alpinus) in an arid region of the Altun Mountains in western China". European Journal of Wildlife Research. 61 (6):
Western Region-आईएसओ ४२१७
Lesotho LYD 434 3 Libyan dinar Libya MAD 504 2 Moroccan dirham Morocco, Western Sahara MDL 498 2 Moldovan leu Moldova (except Transnistria) MGA 969 0.69897
Western Region-वागडी भाषा
census क्षेत्र Vagad region, Rajasthan समुदाय Bhil मातृभाषी वक्ता 2.5 million भाषा परिवार हिन्द-यूरोपीय Indo-Iranian Indo-Aryan Western Indo-Aryan Bhil Northern