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Tanzania - Pemba South - District ProvinceAn information and promotions platform.
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Communes of District Province:
- Chambani
- Changaweni
- Chokocho
- Chumbageni
- Jombwe
- Kangani
- Kendwa
- Kengeja
- Kisiwa Panza
- Kiwani
- Kuukuu
- Makombeni
- Makoongwe
- Mbuguani
- Mbuyuni
- Mgagadu
- Michenzani
- Minazini
- Mizingani
- Mjimbini
- Mkanyageni
- Mkungu
- Mtambile
- Mtangani
- Muambe
- Ngwachani
- Ng’ombeni
- Shamiani
- Shidi
- Stahabu
- Ukutini
- Uweleni
- Wambaa