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Forbes is now accepting nominations for our inaugural Best-in-State Lawyers list.
This list will honor top attorneys from across the country, including all 50 states and jurisdictions, recognizing the elite of the profession.
Our editorial team is looking for select private practice lawyers who excel in their practice areas and are praised for their work in both professional and pro bono spaces.
The lawyers who are ultimately chosen will be practitioners with impressive track records in their specialties and who are well-respected by peers and clients.
Our research and editorial team is using a curated methodology to identify, vet, and select candidates.
As part of this effort, we are actively seeking referrals from the broader legal community.
If you have a lawyer you would like to recommend for our Best-in-State list, please use the following link to submit candidates by October 25, 2024.
Selected lawyers will be contacted with requests for additional information as they advance in the process.
Any questions about submissions or the upcoming list should be directed to [contact information].