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Communes of Dedabo:
Dedabo-Julianne Baird
Dorian Sono Luminus CD Digital Tres Cantigas del Rey 1996 Monteverdi Caccini Biabo The Italian Lute Song Ronn McFarlane, Lute Dorian Sono Luminus CD Digital
Dedabo-Kichwa-Lamista people
Campanilla was colonised between 1920 and 1970 from the nucleus of Sisa. The Biabo River district was colonised between 1950 and 1970 from the nucleus of Juanjuí
Dedabo-List of rivers of Peru
Huallaga River Paranapura River Shanusi River Chipurana River Mayo River Biabo River or Biavo Sisa River Wallapampa River Abiseo River Mishollo River Chuntayaq
Dedabo-List of protected areas of Peru
Zone Yaguas Reserved Zone Ancón Reserved Zone Huacachina Reserved Zone Biabo Cordillera Azul Mariscal Cáceres Pastaza–Morona–Marañon Alexander von Humboldt
Dedabo-Cordillera Azul National Park
Plan Maestro 2003-2008. INRENA. 2006. p. 50. Rapid Biological Inventories: Biabo - Cordillera Azul. Field Museum. pp. 160–194. Atwood, John T. (2003). "Review
Dedabo-Huallaga River
Ucayali River to form the Amazon. Its main affluents are the Monzón, Mayo, Biabo, Abiseo and Tocache rivers. Coca is grown in most of those valleys, which
Dedabo-Tourism in Peru
Abiseo National Park National Parks Alto Purús Amotape Hills Bahuaja-Sonene Biabo Cordillera Azul National Forest Cutervo Huascarán Ichigkat muja– Cordillera
Dedabo-Wildlife of Peru
Chacramarca, Pampas de Ayacucho, and Machu Picchu. National forests such as Biabo Cordillera Azul, Mariscal Cáceres, Pastaza-Morona-Marañón, and Alexander