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Cities of Mangistauskaya Oblast’:
Mangistauskaya Oblast’
Mangistauskaya Oblast’-Mangystau Region
oblysy; Russian: Мангистауская область, romanized: Mangistauskaya oblast) is a region of Kazakhstan. Its capital is Aqtau (a seaport), which has a population
Mangistauskaya Oblast’-Abortion in Kazakhstan
Abortion in Kazakhstan is legal as an elective procedure up to 12 weeks, and special circumstances afterwards. The relevant legislation is based on the
Mangistauskaya Oblast’-ISO 3166-2:KZ
ISO 3166-2:KZ is the entry for Kazakhstan in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization
Mangistauskaya Oblast’-ISO 3166-2:KZ
oblast' Западно-Казахстанская область West Kazakhstan region KZ-47 Mangghystaū oblysy Маңғыстау облысы Mangistauskaya oblast' Mangystauskaja oblast'
Mangistauskaya Oblast’-Abortion in Kazakhstan
Illegal abortions did not guarantee safe, sanitary conditions. The regional (oblast) government established a system of controls to ensure the law was obeyed: