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Kenya - Web content about Kanze Dena
Spokesperson in the Office of the Fourth President, Kanze Dena, has alleged staff intimidation and night calls at the office of Former President Uhuru Kenyatta.
She claimed that there have been **unceremonial withdrawals and intimidation of staff via phone calls at midnight**.
According to her, staff members were being called at night, and there were multiple calls with different instructions late at night.
During a press briefing on Monday, Dena also alleged that the government has failed to renew the contracts of two employees.
She stated that the office is still awaiting confirmation and communication on why the contracts of these two professional staff members were not renewed.
Furthermore, she claimed that the government had not undertaken or facilitated any repair and maintenance of vehicles, nor had they been fueled.
Through his spokesperson, Dena, Uhuru alleged that he is currently using vehicles given to him on a transitional basis.
Kanze claimed that the vehicles in use are those Uhuru departed with from Kasarani after the handover ceremony in September 2022.
After the transition, a conversation on the purchase of the vehicles, as required by the Act, commenced between the two offices.
Dena alleged that their position is that they had no input on the budget estimates that informed the allocation of **Sh450 million** that Treasury projects to allocate the office in the coming year 2025/26 and **Sh475 million** for FY 2026/27.
She explained that the budget allocation process has not happened in the case of the former president's office.