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India - Web content about Borderlands movie
I put the year there so you can see that most of these ultra-terrible ones are in a decade or so when making a good video game adaptation was borderline impossible and the only people trying were directors like Uwe Boll half the time.
As of late, we have seen very solid live-action video game adaptations on both film (Sonic) and TV (The Last of Us, Fallout), and Borderlands seems to be a 10-15 year step backward.
I expect it to rise above a zero percent.
There are so many critics on Rotten Tomatoes of questionable quality and taste that probably will like it and knock it above some of these (I am one of those critics, so no judgment), but that hasn't happened at the time of this writing.
We have 92 reviews in now, and Borderlands has gone from 0% to 3% to now settling at around 10%.
This puts it outside much higher on the 'worst video game adaptations ever' list, which would now look like this: Of course, there is absolutely no pretending a 10% is good.
I do agree, however, that it does not deserve to be as low as that terrible decade of Uwe Boll movies and a few other very poor ones.
Like, no, this is definitely not on par with Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.
I have indeed now seen the movie myself, and a 10% is something I can get behind.
It is now on Rotten Tomatoes, and here's an excerpt: I said in the piece that the casting of Kevin Hart and Cate Blanchett are big problems, as expected.
Hart mostly acts like a barely toned-down version of his usual self, and is nothing like game Roland.
Blanchett is, of course, normally a great actress but a 30-year or so age increase from Lilith is bizarre, and also makes no sense within the confines of the film as actresses close to her age appear to remember her as a child.
This is a franchise killer.
Gearbox had big plans for a Borderlands cinematic universe that is clearly going nowhere after this.
And given how this went, that is fully justified.