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(KKTV) - One of Colorado Springs’ major roadways is getting a facelift next year! The city has announced further details for an upcoming widening project on Dublin Road, slated to start in the spring.
The project is focused on the stretch from Marksheffel Road to just west of Peterson Road.
“We’ve heard from the community that this is a desperate need to add capacity and improve signalization at some of the intersections in this area,” said Gayle Sturdivant, city engineer and deputy Public Works director.
The city says it will be making the two-lane road into a four-lane road with shoulders and a raised median.
“We plan on rolling into it in early '25 and have it completed along with the other by the end of 2026,” Sturdivant said.
“We’re going to be adding a signalized intersection at Issaquah.
We’re going to be adding shared use paths on both sides of the roadway.
We’re also going to be putting a raised median to help alleviate some of the roadway conflicts that we see today.
Really, it’s an overall approach to safety enhancements along with adding capacity for our residents that travel through the area,” Sturdivant said.
Further improvements include new storm sewer pipes, a 10-foot multi-use path on both sides of the street, trail connections along Sand Creek, and more.
Sturdivant was one of the speakers at an open house Tuesday night where the public was invited to attend and encouraged to ask questions about the project.
Anyone who didn’t make it to the open house or didn’t have their question answered is invited to visit for more information.