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Federated States of Micronesia - State of Yap - Dalipebinaw MunicipalityAn information and promotions platform.
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Communes of Dalipebinaw Municipality:
Dalipebinaw Municipality
Dalipebinaw Municipality-Dalipebinau
Dalipebinau (Yapese: Dalipeebinaew) is a village and municipality in the state of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia. It lies on the west side of the
Dalipebinaw Municipality-Yap
cross the water features that divide Yap into its constituent islands. Dalipebinaw Fanif Gagil Gilman Kanifay Maap Rull Rumung Tomil Weloy The climate type
Dalipebinaw Municipality-Yap State
Filipino Catholics. The State of Yap is divided into 21 municipalities, with each municipality having several village units incorporated through customs