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Canada - Web content about School Cash Online
The Peel District School Board is dedicated to promoting equity and engaging with the community.
By providing this tool, we aim to make our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.
The primary goal of the translation is to convey the general intent of the original English material.
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Our school offers SchoolCash Online, a safe and secure online payment method, as its preferred way to handle all school fees.
With a parent-friendly portal and an easy way to keep track of your child’s activity fees, you can use SchoolCash Online to pay for school items like field trips and pizza days directly from your computer or smartphone using eCheck, Visa, or MasterCard.
For more information and to register, please visit the provided link.
If you have any questions, please contact the school directly.
At the Peel District School Board, we are committed to inspiring the smile within each child.
Everything we do is designed to help all students achieve their best.