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Cities of Bururi Province:
Bururi Province
Bururi Province-Bururi Province
Bururi Province is one of the eighteen provinces of Burundi. It was formerly Burundi's largest province until the communes of Burambi, Buyengero and Rumonge
Bururi Province-Bururi
Bururi is a city located in southern Burundi. It is the capital city of Bururi Province and has around 20,000 inhabitants in 2007. On 29 April 1972, a
Bururi Province-Provinces of Burundi
26 March 2015 from portions of Bujumbura Rural and Bururi. In July 2022, the government of Burundi announced a complete overhaul of the country's territorial
Bururi Province-Subdivisions of Burundi
administrative division in Burundi is the province. There are 18 provinces in Burundi, each named after its provincial capital. Each province has a Provincial Governor
Bururi Province-Commune of Bururi
The commune of Bururi is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Bururi. In 2007, DGHER electrified one rural village
Bururi Province-Health in Burundi
(Gitega province, central Burundi) Karuzi Hospital KIRA Hospital Matana Hospitals in Bururi Province Muramvya Hospital (Muramvya province, central Burundi) Muyinga
Bururi Province-Rumonge Province
Bururi Province-Bujumbura Rural Province
DELIMITATION DES PROVINCES DE BUJUMBURA, BURURI ET RUMONGE" (PDF). Presidential Cabinet, Republic of Burundi. Retrieved 14 July 2015. 3°22′44″S 29°25′36″E
Bururi Province-Matana
is a Burundian town and colline, seat of the Commune of Matana, in Bururi Province. It is a mountain town is located at 1,900 metres (6,200 ft), and is
Bururi Province-Burundi
Bururi Province-Rwankona
Rwankona is a village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located just to the northwest of Buta. Bellon, Remi; Delfosse
Bururi Province-Rutana Province
1962 Burundi became independent. The new constitution reduced the number of provinces and Rutana was merged into Bururi Province and Ruyigi Province. It
Bururi Province-Index of Burundi-related articles
Bujumbura Bujumbura Mairie Bujumbura Rural Burundian monarchy Civil War franc Workers' Party
Bururi Province-Buta, Burundi
Buta is a small town in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located 106 km by road southeast of Bujumbura and 11.3 km
Bururi Province-1993 ethnic violence in Burundi
Bubanza Provinces in the northwest and Cankuzo Province in the east. Only the provinces of Makamba and Bururi completely avoided the violence. Hutu peasants
Bururi Province-Mutambara, Burundi
southwest Burundi, in Bururi Province. It is situated on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, to the north of Nyanza Lac and southwest of Bururi. Fitzpatrick
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Diocese of Bururi
Diocese of Bururi (Latin: Bururien(sis)) is a diocese located in the city of Bururi in the ecclesiastical province of Bujumbura in Burundi. June 6, 1961:
Bururi Province-Artémon Simbananiye
Simbananiye was born in 1935 in Bihanga, a settlement near Matana in Bururi Province, Ruanda-Urundi. Ethnically, he is a part of the Babanda clan of the
Bururi Province-Communes of Burundi
Commune of Mutambu Commune of Mutimbuzi Commune of Nyabiraba Commune of Bururi Commune of Matana Commune of Mugamba Commune of Rutovu Commune of Songa
Bururi Province-Kiremba
town in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 7 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 4.3 kilometres northwest
Bururi Province-Muyuga
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 6.6 kilometres southeast of Bururi. Maps (Map). Google Maps
Bururi Province-Rwira
Rwira is an agricultural village in the Commune of Rutovu in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It lies to the west of Rutovu. It is a place known for its
Bururi Province-Bernard Ciza
Burundian politician. Originating from Bururi Province, he became a leading member of the Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi (FRODEBU) and in 1993 became Deputy
Bururi Province-Bujumbura
formerly Usumbura, is the economic capital, largest city and main port of Burundi. It ships most of the country's chief export, coffee, as well as cotton
Bururi Province-Bururi Forest Nature Reserve
Bururi Forest Nature Reserve is a nature reserve in southwestern Burundi. Created in 1951, it is designated a wilderness area (IUCN protected area category
Bururi Province-Rutovu
Rutovu in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It lies 37.1 kilometres by road to the northeast of Bururi. The first three presidents of Burundi were born
Bururi Province-Bujumbura Mairie Province
Bujumbura Mairie Province is one of the eighteen provinces of Burundi. It consists entirely of the city of Bujumbura, Burundi's former capital. It was
Bururi Province-Binyuro
in the Commune of Vyanda in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 21 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 12.6 kilometres northwest
Bururi Province-1972 in Burundi
up their own short-lived, "People's Republic of Martyazo", at the Bururi Province. The Tutsi-dominated Burundian Army ended the secession movement within
Bururi Province-Murehe
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 21.1 kilometres southeast of Bururi. Missionaries have been
Bururi Province-Léonard Nyangoma
was born on 31 December 1952 in Rutundwe, Bururi Province, Burundi. He graduated from the University of Burundi in 1979 with a degree in mathematics. Following
Bururi Province-Vyanda
Vyanda in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It has a population of 29,685 and by road it is located 34.9 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 13.2 kilometres
Bururi Province-Ruzunga
Ruzunga is a town in the Bururi Province of Burundi. 3°51′29″S 29°38′43″E / 3.85806°S 29.64528°E / -3.85806; 29.64528 v t e
Bururi Province-1993 Burundian presidential election
incumbent president who seized power in a 1987 military coup. A Tutsi from Bururi Province, he was the candidate for the ruling Union for National Progress. He
Bururi Province-Ikiza
President of Burundi; under his rule power was increasingly concentrated in the hands of Tutsis, particularly a coterie from Bururi Province dubbed the
Bururi Province-Albert Shibura
Albert Shibura was born in 1939 in the Matana region of the present Bururi Province, Ruanda-Urundi. After six years of primary education he attended the
Bururi Province-Gahama
Gahama is a village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located southeast of Bururi and its western side is framed by a
Bururi Province-Gasanda
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located southwest of Bururi and the Bururi Forest Reserve is in the area
Bururi Province-Commune of Rutovu
The commune of Rutovu is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Rutovu. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Domine Banyankimbona
Service, Labour and Employment in the Republic of Burundi. Banyankimbona was born in 1970 in Bururi Province. She is a member of the Catholic Church. Banyankimbona
Bururi Province-Commune of Matana
The commune of Matana is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Matana. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Commune of Songa
The commune of Songa is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Songa. Gilbert Tuhabonye (b. 1974), Burundian-American
Bururi Province-Burundian Civil War
Infiltrating Bururi Province and Makamba Province in Burundi's south, they even attacked Rutovu, Buyoya's home town and center of Burundi's Tutsi elite
Bururi Province-List of Burundian provinces by population
the creation of Rumonge Province from parts of Bujumbura Rural and Bururi in March 2015. Provinces of Burundi Geography of Burundi List of Burundian provinces
Bururi Province-List of Catholic dioceses in Burundi
Church in Burundi is composed of 2 ecclesiastical provinces and 5 suffragan dioceses. Archdiocese of Bujumbura Diocese of Bubanza Diocese of Bururi Archdiocese
Bururi Province-Commune of Vyanda
The commune of Vyanda is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Vyanda. It contains the Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve
Bururi Province-Martin Nduwimana
Progress (UPRONA) party. He is originally from Mugamba commune in Bururi Province. Nduwimana was nominated by President Pierre Nkurunziza on 29 August
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Diocese of Rutana
in the ecclesiastical province of Gitega in Burundi. January 17, 2009: Established as Diocese of Rutana from Diocese of Bururi and Diocese of Ruyigi.
Bururi Province-Commune of Mugamba
The commune of Mugamba is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Mugamba. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Guardians of the Peace
received training as Guardians of the Peace during the period. In Bururi Province, it was estimated that there were 5,000 active Guardians of the Peace
Bururi Province-Gervais Nyangoma
Burundian politician and diplomat. Gervais Nyangoma was born in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. A Hutu, he attended the Groupe Scolaire de Astrida from
Bururi Province-Mugamba
Mugamba is a natural region in the Bururi Province of Burundi. The Rugo is a traditional Burundian house of the region. There is also a town named Mugamba
Bururi Province-Schadrack Niyonkuru
Democracy in Burundi. Niyonkuru is from Bururi Province. "LE ROLE DU PARLEMENT DANS LA GESTION DE L'AIDE PUBLIQUE AU BURUNDI" (PDF, in French). International
Bururi Province-Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve
The Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve is found in Burundi. It was established in 1980.This site is 6 km2. World Database on Protected Areas UNEP-WCMC (2022)
Bururi Province-Samuel Sindamuka
Province of Bururi, 1928 - December 18, 2005) was the first Primate of the Anglican Church of Burundi, then called the Episcopal Church of Burundi, entitled
Bururi Province-1976 Burundian coup d'état
political and economic domination of the Hima-Tutsi clan, based in Bururi (Bagaza was from province of the same name), while most of the Hutus remained marginalized
Bururi Province-Révérien Ndikuriyo
million Burundian francs to assassinate a man called "Kaburimbo" in Bururi Province. In the recording, Ndikuriyo claimed that the man posed a security
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bujumbura
November 10, 1959); see above Bubanza Bururi Roman Catholicism in Burundi List of Roman Catholic dioceses in Burundi Catholic Hierarchy 3°23′31″S
Bururi Province-Rumonge Nature Reserve
Protected Planet. "Réserve naturelle forestière de Rumonge nature reserve, Bururi, Burundi". Retrieved 2021-01-22. Wikimedia Commons has media
Bururi Province-Michel Micombero
exile in Somalia, where he died in 1983. Micombero was born in Rutovu, Bururi Province in Belgian-ruled Ruanda-Urundi on 26 August 1940. His parents were
Bururi Province-White Nile
can be considered to be either the Ruvyironza, which emerges in Bururi Province, Burundi (near Bukirasaz), or the Nyabarongo, which flows from Nyungwe Forest
Bururi Province-Pierre Buyoya
died of COVID-19 two months later. Pierre Buyoya was born in Rutovu, Bururi Province, on 24 November 1949 in Belgian-administered Ruanda-Urundi. His father
Bururi Province-Bernard Busokoza
August 6, 1953, in Mugamba Commune, Bururi Province, Burundi. In 1974, he graduated from the University of Burundi with a degree in economics. Busokoza
Bururi Province-Jean-Baptiste Bagaza
Redressement National, PARENA). He died in 2016. Bagaza was born in Rutovu, Bururi Province in Belgian-ruled Ruanda-Urundi on 29 August 1946. His family were ethnic
Bururi Province-Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis
known from the Massif of Nanzergwa, its type locality in the Bururi Province of western Burundi, and from the Mahale Mountains National Park in eastern Tanzania
Bururi Province-Central Zambezian miombo woodlands
Tanzania, southern Burundi, and northern and western Malawi. In the Congo the ecoregion is almost conterminous with Katanga Province. In Zambia it covers
Bururi Province-Constitution of the Kingdom of Burundi
of 123 articles. It established Burundi as a constitutional monarchy with eight provinces: Bubanza, Bukirasazi, Bururi, Gitega, Muramvya, Muyinga, Ngozi
Bururi Province-ISO 3166-2:BI
ISO 3166-2:BI is the entry for Burundi in ISO 3166-2, part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Bururi Province-Human trafficking in Burundi
located the child's aunt, who returned the child to her parents in Bururi province. In August 2009, police arrested a Burundian man for kidnapping six
Bururi Province-List of Catholic dioceses in Africa
Diocese of Ouahigouya Archdiocese of Bujumbura Diocese of Bubanza Diocese of Bururi Archdiocese of Gitega Diocese of Muyinga Diocese of Ngozi Diocese of Ruyigi
Bururi Province-List of Catholic dioceses (structured view)
administration: Congo, Burundi and Rwanda Ecclesiastical Province of Bujumbura Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bujumbura Diocese of Bubanza Diocese of Bururi Ecclesiastical
Bururi Province-National Council for the Defense of Democracy
64. It had performed strongly in local elections in June in Bururi, Nyangoma's home province, receiving 4.2% of the national vote and winning 135 of the
Bururi Province-Songa
is a Burundian town and colline, seat of the Commune of Songa, in Bururi Province. The town is located on a plain in the central-eastern area of its
Bururi Province-List of Burundian provinces by area
18 provinces ranked in order of their surface area. "Provinces of ". Statoids. Retrieved 3 August 2010. Provinces of
Bururi Province-List of ambassadors of Burundi to France
Ambassador to France is the official representative of the Government of Burundi to the Government of France. 48°52′42″N 2°24′01″E / 48.878365°N 2.400326°E
Bururi Province-Bernard Bududira
was a Burundian clergyman and bishop for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bururi. He was ordained in 1963 and was appointed bishop in 1973. Catholic-Hierarchy
Bururi Province-List of power stations in Burundi
lists all power stations in Burundi. Burundi also has various power stations that are jointly owned by corporations in Burundi and neighboring countries
Bururi Province-Léopold Biha
legislature, and the new UPRONA government moved him to a chiefdom in Bururi Province in 1962. Shortly before the resignation of Prime Minister Ngendandumwe
Bururi Province-List of FIPS region codes (A–C)
Bujumbura Province, Burundi BY09 Bubanza Province, Burundi BY10 Bururi Province, Burundi BY11 Cankuzo Province, Burundi BY12 Cibitoke Province, Burundi BY13
Bururi Province-Eulalie Nibizi
1991, she contributed to the establishment of Burundi's first trade union, Union des travailleurs du Burundi, and went on to found the teachers' union Syndicat
Bururi Province-List of current Burundian governors
provincial governors in Burundi. List of presidents of Burundi List of heads of government of Burundi Vice-President of Burundi List of mayors of Bujumbura
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 3,000 square kilometers
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465 Second
Bururi Province-May 1972
Vietnamese province and city of Quảng Trị. Hutu rebels in Burundi set up their own short-lived, "People's Republic of Martyazo", in the Bururi Province. The
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area (all)
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465 Second
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 5,000 square kilometers
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465 Second
Bururi Province-Kikuyu language
Kĩrĩnyaga. Kikuyu has four main mutually intelligible dialects. The Central Province districts are divided along the traditional boundaries of these dialects
Bururi Province-Burundian Civil War
significantly expand their operations in 1997. Infiltrating Bururi Province and Makamba Province in Burundi's south, they even attacked Rutovu, Buyoya's home
Bururi Province-Cyrenaica shrew
long tail. The Cyrenaica shrew is endemic to Libya, specifically to the province of Cyrenaica where it is found from sea level up to 200 to 300 m. Specimens
Bururi Province-Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis
It is known from the Massif of Nanzergwa, its type locality in the Bururi Province of western Burundi, and from the Mahale Mountains National Park in
Bururi Province-Long-tailed forest shrew
endemic to South Africa, where it is restricted to a coastal strip in Cape Province. It occurs at altitudes of up to about 2,000 m (6,600 ft), with a subspecies
Bururi Province-Caucasian pygmy shrew
found in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, East Azerbaijan Province in Iran, and Turkey. Kryštufek, B. (2016). "Sorex volnuchini". IUCN Red
Bururi Province-Bornean pygmy shrew
widespread and occur in the nation of Brunei, and in northern Kalimantan province of Indonesia. Its natural habitat is subtropical and tropical dry forests
Bururi Province-Roman mole
central-southern Italy central-southern Italy (from the province of Grosseto to the province of Ancona , south to southern Calabria ). It was last recorded
Bururi Province-Inquisitive shrew mole
species of mammal in the family Talpidae. It is only known from Yunnan province of China, although its range is thought to extend over the border into
Bururi Province-Chinese shrew mole
species of mammal in the family Talpidae. It is endemic to China, Sichuan Province. Its natural habitat is temperate forests. Smith, A.T.; Johnston, C.H.
Bururi Province-List of Catholic dioceses (structured view)
Ecclesiastical Province of Bujumbura Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bujumbura Diocese of Bubanza Diocese of Bururi Ecclesiastical Province of Gitega Metropolitan
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Bujumbura
Michel Ntuyahaga (June 11, 1959 – November 10, 1959); see above Bubanza Bururi Roman Catholicism in Burundi List of Roman Catholic dioceses in Burundi
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Diocese of Bururi
Roman Catholic Diocese of Bururi (Latin: Bururien(sis)) is a diocese located in the city of Bururi in the ecclesiastical province of Bujumbura in Burundi
Bururi Province-Marsh shrew
Columbia believe that marsh shrews are one of the rarest small mammals in the province. In 1992, Carlos Galindo-Leal and Gustavo Zuleta trapped 1,000 small mammals
Bururi Province-Uropsilus
Mountains shrew mole U. fansipanensis: Fansipan shrew mole: 62 - Lao Cai Province, Vietnam U. gracilis: Gracile shrew mole U. huanggangensis: Huangang shrew
Bururi Province-Mutambara, Burundi
southwest Burundi, in Bururi Province. It is situated on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, to the north of Nyanza Lac and southwest of Bururi. Fitzpatrick, M.
Bururi Province-Kikuyu people
Valley and in KAU branches in Nairobi and the Kikuyu districts of central province. By 1952, under Field Marshal Dedan Kimathi, the Kenya Land and Freedom
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area (all)
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 3,000 square kilometers
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465
Bururi Province-List of Catholic dioceses in Burundi
suffragan dioceses. Archdiocese of Bujumbura Diocese of Bubanza Diocese of Bururi Archdiocese of Gitega Diocese of Muyinga Diocese of Ngozi Diocese of Rutana
Bururi Province-List of political and geographic subdivisions by total area from 1,000 to 5,000 square kilometers
Islands, part of Russia. Chachoengsao Province 2,470 Province of Thailand. Bururi Province 2,465 Largest province of Burundi. Central Department 2,465
Bururi Province-Rutana Province
reduced the number of provinces and Rutana was merged into Bururi Province and Ruyigi Province. It is divided administratively into the following communes:
Bururi Province-White Nile
Nile can be considered to be either the Ruvyironza, which emerges in Bururi Province, Burundi (near Bukirasaz), or the Nyabarongo, which flows from Nyungwe
Bururi Province-Burundi
and economic capital, Bujumbura. The source of the Nile River is in Bururi province, and is linked from Lake Victoria to its headwaters via the Ruvyironza
Bururi Province-Mugamba
Mugamba is a natural region in the Bururi Province of Burundi. The Rugo is a traditional Burundian house of the region. There is also a town named Mugamba
Bururi Province-ISO 3166-2:BI
(fr) BI-BB Bubanza BI-BM Bujumbura Mairie BI-BL Bujumbura Rural BI-BR Bururi BI-CA Cankuzo BI-CI Cibitoke BI-GI Gitega BI-KR Karuzi BI-KY Kayanza BI-KI
Bururi Province-Subdivisions of Burundi
occasions. The most recent province, Rumonge, was created in 2015. The provinces are Bubanza, Bujumbura Mairie, Bujumbura Rural, Bururi, Cankuzo, Cibitoke, Gitega
Bururi Province-Central Zambezian miombo woodlands
national park, game reserve, and other protected areas. Cameia National Park Bururi Forest Nature Reserve Kigwena Forest Nature Reserve Ruvubu National Park
Bururi Province-Index of Burundi-related articles
Bururi Bururi Province Nicholas Bwakira Cankuzo Cankuzo Province Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter Charles Nqakula Cibitoke Province Collines
Bururi Province-Health in Burundi
include: Bumerec Hospital Bururi Hospital in Bururi Province Clinic Prince Louis Rwagasore Gitega Hospital (Gitega province, central Burundi) Karuzi Hospital
Bururi Province-Darién small-eared shrew
only from montane regions along the border between Colombia and Darién Province, Panama, where it has been found in rainforest at elevations from 1400
Bururi Province-May 1972
Vietnamese province and city of Quảng Trị. Hutu rebels in Burundi set up their own short-lived, "People's Republic of Martyazo", in the Bururi Province. The
Bururi Province-Bururi
Bururi is a city located in southern Burundi. It is the capital city of Bururi Province and has around 20,000 inhabitants in 2007. On 29 April 1972, a
Bururi Province-List of power stations in Burundi
Ngozi Run-of-the-river Ndurumu River 0.26 MW 1986 Nyemanga Power Station Bururi 3°57′S 29°34′E / 3.950°S 29.567°E / -3.950; 29.567 Run-of-the-river Siguvyaye
Bururi Province-Crocidura phanluongi
of Crocidura, with the type locality at Yok Đôn National Park, Đắk Lắk Province, Vietnam. The description appeared in Zootaxa on January 27, 2010. Six
Bururi Province-List of Burundian provinces by population
census, taking into account the creation of Rumonge Province from parts of Bujumbura Rural and Bururi in March 2015. Provinces of Burundi Geography of Burundi
Bururi Province-List of Burundian provinces by area
Rank Province km² 1 Ruyigi 2,339 2 Gitega 1,979 3 Cankuzo 1,965 4 Makamba 1,960 5 Rutana 1,959 6 Muyinga 1,836 7 Kirundo 1,703 8 Bururi 1,645 9 Cibitoke
Bururi Province-List of current Burundian governors
2015. "DECRET N° 100/ 17 DU 6 OCTOBRE 2010 PORTANT NOMINATION DES GOUVERNEURS DE PROVINCE". President of Burundi. 6 October 2010. Retrieved 15 July 2015.
Bururi Province-Van Sung's shrew
Mount Tay Con Linh II in the town of Cao Bo, district Vi Xuyen, in the province of Ha Giang. C. caovansunga a small species with a relatively short tail
Bururi Province-Udine shrew
a species of mammal in the family Soricidae. It is found in the Udine province of north-east Italy and in western Slovenia. Lapini L, Testone R (1998)
Bururi Province-Bururi Forest Nature Reserve
Bururi Forest Nature Reserve is a nature reserve in southwestern Burundi. Created in 1951, it is designated a wilderness area (IUCN protected area category
Bururi Province-Rumonge Nature Reserve
Protected Planet. "Réserve naturelle forestière de Rumonge nature reserve, Bururi, Burundi". Retrieved 2021-01-22. Wikimedia Commons has
Bururi Province-Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve
Naturelle Forestière de Vyanda IUCN category Ib (wilderness area) Location Bururi Province, Burundi Nearest city Vyanda Coordinates 4°07′49″S 29°35′30″E / 4
Bururi Province-Roman Catholic Diocese of Rutana
in the ecclesiastical province of Gitega in Burundi. January 17, 2009: Established as Diocese of Rutana from Diocese of Bururi and Diocese of Ruyigi.
Bururi Province-Cuban solenodon
showed it still occurred in many places in central and western Oriente Province, at the eastern end of Cuba; however, it is rare everywhere. Prior to 2003
Bururi Province-Gansu shrew
(Sorex cansulus) is a red-toothed shrew found only in a small part of Gansu province and other adjacent areas of China. With its very limited range, it is sensitive
Bururi Province-Père David's mole
in the Middle East, ranging from south-central Turkey east to Kurdistan Province, Iran, although it could also range south into Syria. It is listed as a
Bururi Province-Commune of Bururi
The commune of Bururi is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Bururi. In 2007, DGHER electrified one rural village
Bururi Province-Commune of Matana
The commune of Matana is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Matana. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Commune of Mugamba
The commune of Mugamba is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Mugamba. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Commune of Rutovu
The commune of Rutovu is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Rutovu. United States. Foreign Broadcast Information
Bururi Province-Commune of Songa
The commune of Songa is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Songa. Gilbert Tuhabonye (b. 1974), Burundian-American
Bururi Province-Commune of Vyanda
The commune of Vyanda is a commune of Bururi Province in south-western Burundi. The capital lies at Vyanda. It contains the Vyanda Forest Nature Reserve
Bururi Province-Buta, Burundi
Buta is a small town in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located 106 km by road southeast of Bujumbura and 11.3 km
Bururi Province-Gahama
Gahama is a village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located southeast of Bururi and its western side is framed by a
Bururi Province-Gasanda
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located southwest of Bururi and the Bururi Forest Reserve is in the area
Bururi Province-Rwankona
Rwankona is a village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It is located just to the northwest of Buta. Bellon, Remi; Delfosse
Bururi Province-Kiremba
town in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 7 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 4.3 kilometres northwest
Bururi Province-Murehe
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 21.1 kilometres southeast of Bururi. Missionaries have been
Bururi Province-Muyuga
village in the Commune of Bururi in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 6.6 kilometres southeast of Bururi. Maps (Map). Google Maps
Bururi Province-Binyuro
in the Commune of Vyanda in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. By road it is located 21 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 12.6 kilometres northwest
Bururi Province-Vyanda
Vyanda in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It has a population of 29,685 and by road it is located 34.9 kilometres southeast of Bururi and 13.2 kilometres
Bururi Province-Rwira
Rwira is an agricultural village in the Commune of Rutovu in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It lies to the west of Rutovu. It is a place known for
Bururi Province-Rutovu
of the Commune of Rutovu in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. It lies 37.1 kilometres by road to the northeast of Bururi. The first three presidents
Bururi Province-Samuel Sindamuka
Samuel Sindamuka (Gitara, Province of Bururi, 1928 - December 18, 2005) was the first Primate of the Anglican Church of Burundi, then called the Episcopal
Bururi Province-Rumonge Province
Rumonge, previously part of Bururi Province, with the Bugarama and Muhuta communes previously belonging to Bujumbura Rural Province. The capital is at Rumonge
Bururi Province-List of ambassadors of Burundi to France
1984 Cyprien Mbonimpa (*December 26, 1946 in the Commune Vyanda, Province Bururi) Jean-Baptiste Bagaza François Mitterrand 1986 January 13, 1988 Pasteur
Bururi Province-List of FIPS region codes (A–C)
Bujumbura Province, Burundi BY09 Bubanza Province, Burundi BY10 Bururi Province, Burundi BY11 Cankuzo Province, Burundi BY12 Cibitoke Province, Burundi
Bururi Province-Bujumbura
Kigobe Sud Kinama Quarters: Bubanza, Buhinyuza, Bukirasazi I, Bukirasazi II, Bururi, Carama, Gitega, Kanga, Muramvya, Muyinga, Ngozi, Ruyigi, SOCARTI. Ngagara [sv]
Bururi Province-Ruzunga
Ruzunga is a town in the Bururi Province of Burundi. 3°51′29″S 29°38′43″E / 3.85806°S 29.64528°E / -3.85806; 29.64528 v t e
Bururi Province-Ikiza
in the hands of Tutsis, particularly a coterie from Bururi Province dubbed the Groupe de Bururi, while Hutu participation in government was steadily
Bururi Province-Eulalie Nibizi
Eulalie Nibizi (born 1960) is a Burundian trade unionist and human rights activist. In 1991, she contributed to the establishment of Burundi's first trade
Bururi Province-Bernard Busokoza
1, 2014. Busokoza was born on August 6, 1953, in Mugamba Commune, Bururi Province, Burundi. In 1974, he graduated from the University of Burundi with
Bururi Province-Indochinese shrew
bears a different range, occurring in Myanmar, Vietnam, and the Yunnan province of China. C. indochinensis is on the smaller end of shrews, with dark brownish
Bururi Province-Bernard Ciza
Ciza (died 6 April 1994) was a Burundian politician. Originating from Bururi Province, he became a leading member of the Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi
Bururi Province-Gervais Nyangoma
a Burundian politician and diplomat. Gervais Nyangoma was born in Bururi Province in southern Burundi. A Hutu, he attended the Groupe Scolaire de Astrida
Bururi Province-Constitution of the Kingdom of Burundi
as a constitutional monarchy with eight provinces: Bubanza, Bukirasazi, Bururi, Gitega, Muramvya, Muyinga, Ngozi, and Ruyigi. Article 21 declared French
Bururi Province-Léonard Nyangoma
leader. Léonard Nyangoma was born on 31 December 1952 in Rutundwe, Bururi Province, Burundi. He graduated from the University of Burundi in 1979 with
Bururi Province-Domine Banyankimbona
Employment in the Republic of Burundi. Banyankimbona was born in 1970 in Bururi Province. She is a member of the Catholic Church. Banyankimbona received a Bachelor’s
Bururi Province-Provinces of Burundi
Bururi Province-Ognev's mole
southeastern coastal areas of the Black Sea. It occurs from the Artvin province in northeastern Turkey to the neighboring areas of Georgia to the north
Bururi Province-Schadrack Niyonkuru
allied with the Front for Democracy in Burundi. Niyonkuru is from Bururi Province. "LE ROLE DU PARLEMENT DANS LA GESTION DE L'AIDE PUBLIQUE AU BURUNDI"
Bururi Province-Bujumbura Mairie Province
Kigobe Sud Kinama Quarters: Bubanza, Buhinyuza, Bukirasazi I, Bukirasazi II, Bururi, Carama, Gitega, Kanga, Muramvya, Muyinga, Ngozi, Ruyigi, SOCARTI. Ngagara [sv]
Bururi Province-Bujumbura Rural Province
Bururi Province-Bururi Province
Bururi Province is one of the eighteen provinces of Burundi. It was formerly Burundi's largest province until the communes of Burambi, Buyengero and Rumonge