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Argentina - Misiones Province - Departamento de ApóstolesAn information and promotions platform.
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Communes of Departamento de Apóstoles:
Departamento de Apóstoles
Departamento de Apóstoles-Misiones Province
Police. The province is divided in 17 departments (Spanish: departamentos): Clotilde González de Fernández (1880-1935), pioneer of education in Misiones Province
Departamento de Apóstoles-Apóstoles Department
Apóstoles is a department in the southeast of the province of Misiones, Argentina. Its head is the homonymous locality. It borders the departments of
Departamento de Apóstoles-Leandro N. Alem Department
Argentina. It borders the departments of Capital, Oberá, Candelaria, Apóstoles, Concepción, and San Javier. The department covers an area of 1,070 km²
Departamento de Apóstoles-Spanish missions in South America
Larrabure y Correa (1903). Colección de leyes, decretos, resoluciones i otros documentos oficiales referentes al departamento de Loreto [1777-1908], Volumes 15-16
Departamento de Apóstoles-Bible translations into Native South American languages
Editorial Don Bosco, Quito 1972. 437 pp. Santos Evangelios y Hechos de los Apóstoles: Primera versión católica en quechua y castellano. Chainatan Cuyahuarccanchic
Departamento de Apóstoles-Capital Department, Misiones
Argentina. It borders the departments of Candelaria, Leandro N. Alem, and Apóstoles, as well as the province of Corrientes and the Republic of Paraguay, separated
Departamento de Apóstoles-Departments of Argentina
Departments (Spanish: departamentos) form the second level of administrative division (below the provinces), and are subdivided in municipalities. They