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Communes of Bashkia Lezhë:
Bashkia Lezhë
Bashkia Lezhë-Shkodër County
population of 197,177 people as of 2021. The county borders on the counties of Lezhë, Kukës and the country of Montenegro. The county consists of five municipalities:
Bashkia Lezhë-Dibër County
Peshkopi. The county borders on the counties of Durrës, Elbasan, Kukës, Lezhë, Tirana and the country of North Macedonia. It is divided into the four
Bashkia Lezhë-Lezhë
Lezhë (Albanian: [ˈlɛˈʒə], Albanian definite form: Lezha) is a city in the Republic of Albania and seat of Lezhë County and Lezhë Municipality. It is
Bashkia Lezhë-Berat
Planit të Përgjithshëm të Territorit të Bashkisë" (PDF) (in Albanian). Bashkia Berat. pp. 15–18. Retrieved 19 September 2021. "Dokumenti i Planit të Përgjithshëm
Bashkia Lezhë-Administrative divisions of Albania
from the chief town in its district, headquartered at a city hall (bashki/bashkia). Each municipal council was obliged to hold meetings at the city hall
Bashkia Lezhë-Albania
are made up of 61 second-level divisions known as municipalities (bashki/bashkia). The municipalities are the first level of local governance, responsible
Bashkia Lezhë-Autonomous Province of Korçë
Francez i Korçës" [French High School in Korçë] (in Albanian). Korçë: Bashkia Korçë. 2010. Archived from the original on September 5, 2011. Retrieved
Bashkia Lezhë-Piana degli Albanesi
Municipality of Piana degli Albanesi (Bashkia)
Bashkia Lezhë-Albanian art
Ancient History, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen Edwards. University Press, 1996. "Bashkia Belsh". (in Albanian). Retrieved 10 December 2010.
Bashkia Lezhë-Elbasan
115/2014" (PDF) (in Albanian). pp. 6368–6369. Retrieved 25 February 2022. "Bashkia Elbasan" (in Albanian). Albanian Association of Municipalities (AAM). Archived
Bashkia Lezhë-2015 Albanian local elections
same time the total number of communities were reduced from 373 to 61 Bashkia. Those entitled to vote elected the executive and legislative representatives
Bashkia Lezhë-Politics of Albania
(Albanian: Qarqe). The counties are further subdivided into 61 municipalities (Bashkia). In addition, the counties were further subdivided in 36 districts (Rrethe)
Bashkia Lezhë-Karavasta Lagoon
represent 5% of the total world population of this species. "Bashkia Fier » Karavasta Lagoon". Bashkia Fier. Retrieved 2010-06-29. "ACTION PLAN FOR THE DALMATIAN
Bashkia Lezhë-Durrës
Durrës" (PDF) (in Albanian). Bashkia Durrës. Archived (PDF) from the original on 6 October 2021. Retrieved 6 October 2021. "Bashkia Durrës: Rreth Keshillit
Bashkia Lezhë-Coat of arms of Tirana
në Kullën e Sahatit për vitin 2016". (in Albanian). "Bashkia Tiranë - The Clock Tower". Retrieved June 5, 2024. "Kalaja
Bashkia Lezhë-Vlorë
Despotate of Epirus, 1204-1346 Principality of Valona, 1346–1417 League of Lezhë 1443-1478 Ottoman Empire, 1417–1691 Republic of Venice, 1691–1698 Ottoman
Bashkia Lezhë-Culture of ancient Illyria
Komani-Kruja culture Glasinac-Mati culture Royal Tombs of Selca e Poshtme "Bashkia Belsh". (in Albanian). Retrieved 10 December 2010.
Bashkia Lezhë-Durrës County
(296 sq mi). The county borders on the Adriatic Sea to the west, the counties of Lezhë to the north, Dibër to the east and Tirana to the south. It is divided into
Bashkia Lezhë-KF Vllaznia Shkodër
- Club coefficients –". Vllaznia prezantohet nesër, bashkia do Nikajn zv.trajner - Panorama (in Albanian) "Vllaznia is winter champion"
Bashkia Lezhë-Shkodër
from the original on 24 September 2021. Retrieved 24 September 2021. "Bashkia Shkoder". Albanian Association of Municipalities (AAM). Archived from the
Bashkia Lezhë-Vau i Dejës
(in Albanian). Bashkia Vau i Dejës. Plani i Pergjithshem Rregullues i Qytetit Vau i Dejës. Detyra e Projektimit. Vau i Dejës: Bashkia Vau i Dejës. April
Bashkia Lezhë-Sanjak of Scutari
nën sundimin e feudalëve serbë të shtetit të Dioklesë dhe të Rashës. "Bashkia Shkoder" (in Albanian). Shkoder official web site. 2008. Archived from
Bashkia Lezhë-Timeline of Tirana
"Historia e Tiranës" [History of Tirana]. (in Albanian). Bashkia Tiranë (Municipality of Tirana). Retrieved 30 November 2015. (includes